20071216, 2:31 PM
To Your Arms Of Love
It's weird, I tend to go through phases....and I know people can attest to that lol. I've been known to go through crushing guys like I go through shoes. I don't know what has made this guy different though. He's become such a great friend over the few years that I have known him. We talk on and off a whole damn lot it seems. But it seems like that with every guy I start to crush on. I'll like them, and then they'll pull some bullshit move and I'll just kinda go off in a different direction. There is just something for some reason that keeps pulling me back as Tyrese and Chingy have put it.
I don't even know if I want a boyfriend lol. I don't think I'm ready for one at this point in my life, I think I need to be comfortable with myself before I can even put myself out there. This guy is constantly telling me I should be confident in myself, if not 100% confident I need to be somewhat confident. I guess we'll just see how the cards play, I know he'll be there regardless for me to talk to. He's been there to listen to my assfaced comments on music and love, trying to make me sing for over 2 years on a track lol, owes me that gawt dang CD, and been through those bad situations when I just really needed someone to talk to. For that I have to say thank you =]Labels: Love posted by Cici @ 2:31 PM 0 comments |
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