20080121, 9:04 PM
Fuck a Subliminal.
I've heard some pretty intolerable crap being said over the past few year. Shit that sounds downright insensitive and ignorant. I love how people are trying to sugar coat things and not say what they really mean in front of someone. You hate em? let em know. Why the hell you tryin to just dog someone out behind their backs? I dont get that shit. See why I don't get a long with a whole lot of chicks? see why I don't tell half the people in the world all my business? Damn. When you start hearing shit coming out my mouth this year it's not gonna be sugar coated. I think you're a dumbass? I'm gonna straight out tell you. I don't feel a need to hold back on my words anymore than I already have. Call me an asshole, call me whatever...but in all honesty some of y'all need to hear what has to be said. Cause y'all just fuckin up the system.
posted by Cici @ 9:04 PM
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