20080101, 7:42 PM
Goodbye to Yesteryear.
The past year was definitely nothing truly out of the ordinary for me it seemed, but I think I've definitely started to learn alot more about myself as a person and the person who I want to become. In the upcoming year I think I can only hold my head high and say "This year is about me, and that's all I intend to be". I was never a big fan of creating a New Year's Resolution and this year is no different although I am making promises to myself.
This year I intend to be myself and never change for a soul, even if people don't like it. I'm not intended to sugarcoat anything for anyone, because in the end I am me and noone can change that.
So fuck all the bitches who can't seem to leave me alone. I'm leavin all the pain and suffering behind and stepping out as a new me I could care less as to what other people would think of me =]
Happy New Year to Y'allLabels: Self Discovery posted by Cici @ 7:42 PM 0 comments |
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