20090119, 11:28 AM
This seems to be a definite problem with my life. I notice more and more that I must be weary of how much I can trust a person. No matter how much I want to trust you it's hard because I don't know what constituted your lying to me to begin with. So yes, that gives me a reason to be weary of what you've told me. Although, I'd love to say I can put the past behind us, and allow us to grow I question your motives. You just can't trust motherfuckers these days in this world. The more it seems I get to know a person, the more it seems I find the truth behind them. The way they just want to get to know you in order to benefit from your financial status, the way they think they can manipulate you into believing any/everything they have to say. I find it hysterical.Labels: Friendship, Self Discovery posted by Cici @ 11:28 AM 1 comments |
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