20090206, 11:53 PM
Being Sheena means...
1. You go to shows where you're constantly moving because you're afraid of getting run over.
2. You'll never have a set definition for disaster or anything even synomously related to the word because you're always getting into it.
3. You never believe you'll become a cat lady, however, you have 5 cats that adore you at home.
4. You have a new story to tell atleast once to twice a week. Usually it involves some sort of disasterous behaviour.
5. You get people sending you photos to your mobile device.
6. You recently joined the iPod revolution.
7. There isn't just one crazy moment that sticks out in your mind, because you always have so many of them.
8. You must watch disastrous movies just to say you've seen them. Even if your friend has told you it's absolutely horrendous.
9. Your mom doesn't look her age.
10. Most important of all... you have a friend like me who one day record a list of your disastrous behaviour in order to turn it into a sitcom. Which, will be absolutely hilarious.
posted by Cici @ 11:53 PM
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