20080702, 6:57 PM
Years later, and I'm still fighting hard.
For all of y'all who've wished me a happy birthday I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Most of y'all have been there for me when I've actually needed you the most. We've had our ups and downs, and for anyone who is really close to me...you know I've been going through a bundle of hard times throughout the years but not as much as I have been going through as of the last few months. If you're still in my life now and I've known you throughout the good and bad, grown up together since we were pretty much tiny tots and we've seen how each of us have grown in different ways... that's thick like blood.
Each of you have blessed me in different ways, through y'alls love and support I've been able to get through all the negative comments about my body image, those racist comments that I've had coming at me, the problems with people believing that they have the ability to take for granted how nice i can be and so on. I got nothin but love for y'all and even if in the years to come we begin to lose contact with eachother I can wish you all nothing but the best.Labels: Friendship, Love, Self Discovery posted by Cici @ 6:57 PM 0 comments |
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