20090221, 12:25 AM
No Happily Never After...
That just ain't for me, because finally I know I deserve better after all, I'll never let another teardrop fall." -- Pussycat Dolls, "Happy Never After" This month has been a whirlwind, to say the least. I started going back to school after 12 weeks of my school's contract faculty, TAs and GAs going on strike. Love...let's just say it doesn't exist for me to say the least. The most loving and lasting impression this month has come from family, and friends who actually care. My Best Bud was there for me through it all, and I've got to thank him for that. USPS fucked up my gift for him as well. Family "issues" if you don't know about it...don't care to ask please because I'd rather not bring it up anymore. I'm just glad things are better. Tradgedies...thay came in multiples...I thought '09 was my year? I turn 21 this year, but it looks like instead of taking steps forward I've taken a trek back in the direction I was many years ago. It's not a good thing, and I sincerly don't like it...but I guess that's what's going to make me because I'm not about to let anything or ANYONE break me anymore. In this past month I think I've learned more about myself than anyone would have ever guessed. I learned that love isn't all it's cracked up to be...or maybe it wasn't love but mere infatuation? who knows. relationships with friends...dont work out for me at all! When shit happens...it happens in multiples...now that I think about it...that's been true all my life. I leave myself vulnerable way too much, I think the walls have become thicker than cement brick that hold up an entire school structure. Labels: Friendship, Love, Self Discovery posted by Cici @ 12:25 AM 0 comments |
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